Monday, 27 February 2017

Deploy Excel Reports Dynamics GP 2016 R2

Deploy Excel Reports GP2016R2 –
  1. Go to Tools => Setup => System => Reporting Tools Setup.
  1. On the setup section select the excel reports. Specify the lection type, on the below example we have deployed on the network shared. Specify the shared directory and click on deploy reports.
  1. Once the report is deployed you will see the green marked on the companies on which the  excel reports are deployed.
  1. If you go to the shared folder you will see the excel connection and the excel reports on the folder.

SSRS Reports Deployment Dynamics GP 2016 R2

SSRS Reports Deployment Dynamics GP2016R2 –
  1. Go to Tools => Setup => System => Reporting Tools Setup.
  1. Select Report Server mode as Native.
  1. Specify the Report Server URL, Report Manager URL and folder name, keep folder name blank for the default folder name.

  1. Click on Deploy Reports, you will see the below information just click on Yes.
  1. If you will get the below error after you click on deploy reports then follow step 6.
  1. If you get the above error then go to the “ C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.SQL2008R2\Reporting Services\ReportServer”  and located the web.config file and add maxRequestLength = “20690” on the httpRuntime section.
  1. Restart the reporting services to reflect the changes, and again click on deploy reports. Once the reports are deployed you will see the green mark on the companies which had deployed the SSRS reports.

Installation of Integration Manager - Dynamics GP 2016

Installation of Integration Manager –
  1. Open the setup file for GP2016R2 and double click on the setup.exe
  1. Select Integration Manager and click on install.
  1. Accept the license agreement and click on next.
  1. Keep it default and click on next.
  1. Click on install and this process will start the installation process.
  1. After Installation finished, Click on Exit.
  1. To open the integration manager, go to start menu of windows => Microsoft Dynamics => GP2016 => Integration Manager 16 => Integration Manager.
  1. The below screen will open, to start the integration complete you will need to register the integration manager with the license key. Just click on register.

  1. Enter the Site name and registration key.

Create new user on Dynamics GP and Assign role

Create New GP User, assign company and roles –
  1. Login to Dynamics GP and go to Administration=> Setup = >User.
  1. Enter the User id and password and select the password policy, if the user is the web client only then select the web client only and specify the directory account.
  1. Go to Administration=> Setup = >User Access.

  1. Select the user and select the company you wish the assign the user.
  1. Go to Administration=> Setup = >User Security.

  1. Type the user if you know or select the user id from the list, then selects the company from the drop down, and then selects the user role which needs to be given. User has more than one company assigned then the user access needs to be given to each company.

Dynamics GP Reset System password which is forget

Reset System password which is forget –
1.  In SQL Management Studio, run this script to remove the existing password - 

           UPDATE DYNAMICS.SY02400 
           SET PASSWORD = 0x0202020202020202020202020202020 
2.  In GP, reset the system password. 
Tools>Setup>System Password

Dynamics GP Changing System Password

Changing System Password –
  1. Go to Administration => Setup = > System Password.
  1. Enter the system password.
  1. Enter the old system password, then new password and re-enter the new password.

Register Dynamics GP 2016 R2 - Step by Step

Register Dynamics GP 2016R2 –
  1. Login to Dynamics GP, Go to Administration => Setup => Registration.
  1. The below page will open and enter the site name and registration key and click on validate. This will show you the account number and registered modules.

Create company in GP 2016 R2 - Step by Step

Create company in GP 2016 R2 –
  1. Open GP utilities and enter the SA password.
  1. Click on Next.
  1. Click Next.

  1. Select create a company from the dropdown and click on process.

  1. Enter the company id and the company name. The company id will be the database name for the company.
  1. Specify the MDF and LDF path for the GP if you want to change otherwise keep the default path.
  1. Click on finish, this will start the creation of database for the new company.
  1. After the database creation process finished, the below page will open, then click on Next.
  1. Select Setup Company later then click next.
  1. Click on Launch Microsoft Dynamics GP to login GP and open the new company.

Creating Test company (Fabricam Company) - Dynamics GP2016 R2

Creating test company (Fabricam Company)-
  1. Open GP utilities and enter the SA password.
  1. Click on Next.

  1. Click Next.
  1. Select Add sample company data and click process.
  1. Specify the LDF and MDF path if you want to change the pass otherwise keep it as default.
  1. If you want to create the sample users then enter the password for the sample users for GP. Otherwise select No, do not create the sample users.
  1. Click finish, this will start the creation of the database for new company.
  1. Click Next.
  1. Launch Microsoft Dynamics GP to launch the GP and  Enter the GP user id and password then select the company to open the company.